Monday, May 16, 2011

New Doctor...New Worries...God's New Plans

Well, I haven't been very good about updating you all on Neela's progress. I think its because she's been doing such a miraculous job with her lymphatic issues. We have much concentrated on her weakness in her right eye since extracting her cataract almost two years ago. We are now traveling to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for her Ophthalmology and ENT needs. It is about an hour and a half from our home. We have been seen by her contact lens doctors and Ophthalmologist quite a few times already. I have been quite happy with her care there. Bart and I pray that God has a new plan for her Lymphatic Malformation. Coming from the Univ. of Iowa Hospitals we had such a great relationship with her doctors there, unfortunately had to switch over to Mayo, due to Bart's new insurance issues. It was a shock to myself and Bart at first, but we prayed about our feelings and then felt reassured that it is God's next plan in her care and healing. Unfortunately also Mayo Clinic does not have the drug Ok-432 which Neela has benefited tremendously from thus far...She was in a study with Dr. Smith of the UOI for over a year and received three of these injections. I am very worried about Mayo's plan of treatment for her...I have been hopeful that they are so familiar with her condition, and have treated other children appropriately. We see her ENT doctor this Wednesday the 19th. Yes, Neela looks wonderful in her pictures, but underneath all that beauty she still has these little cysts under her skin (right side of her neck) that are just grueling at the chance of flaring up again, and with no OK-432 in sight, how will she do? These are my feelings as of right now...As you can see I don't have much trust right now, do I? Shame on me, the good Lord got us through a year ago when she could barely turn her head to one side to other 'cause of profuse swelling down to her chest bones. I pray for strength as of right now as her mother and as a devoted Christian. If ya think of it, please say a prayer for our sweet girl these upcoming few days...that our new ENT doc will be granted wisdom as far as a treatment plan for Neela's LM. Thank you friends and family....Love from Our Family to Yours !

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying, as always, for Ne-Ne. We love you all and are so thankful for her health this far. Keep your eyes on your blessings and know God is in charge.
